Spring Clean Within: 5 Things to Declutter ASAP

Spring Clean Within: 5 Things to Declutter ASAP

it’s that season: time to reignite your new year’s resolutions and declutter what no longer serves you. it’s time for spring clean within.

i started this concept in 2017 after joining a nearby neighborhood’s yearly “spring clean” event. residents declutter their homes and put their gently used furniture on the curb free for the taking. i thought, “if folks can declutter their homes, why not declutter our well-being?”

READ: Spring Clean Within: How to Declutter Your Fucks

Spring Clean Within: 5 Things to Declutter ASAP

spring is the perfect time to refocus on your new year’s resolutions because let’s be honest: who’s still counting calories and pinching pennies after the first two weeks of a new year?

it’s time to get back on the horse sis and focus on decluttering. 

Spring Clean Within: 5 Things to Declutter ASAP

in order to get focused though, sometimes you have to get rid of the shit that weighs you down. here are five things to declutter this spring:

  1. toxic relationships — the folks who drain your energy, send your emotions into a turmoil or downright make you feel bad about yourself are toxic. no person, even your mama, has the right to disrupt your peace. eliminating these relationships can be one of the most freeing things that you do.    
  2. career — i quit my job over a year ago. not because i hated it, but because i could do a better job of living fully in my purpose. if you feel trapped in a job that doesn’t serve the parts of you that you love most, then leave. of course, develop a plan to sustain yourself, but go beyond the fear. i highly recommend reading you are a badass at making money by jen sincero to help develop an abundance mindset regarding your career and money. 
  3. finances — last year, i eliminated credit card debt and now my goal is to remain credit card debt-free.  when i was younger, my finances were a wreck and it felt like an invisible weight on my shoulders. start this spring by getting crystal clear on your debt and assets. pull your credit report and review it for discrepancies, develop a plan to pay off debt and get a healthy savings plan in place.  if you’re looking for inspiration in this area, then check out stacey flowers, clever girl finance and if you’re in dc, workshops hosted by little fish accounting.
  4. health — health is a much bigger category than weight loss. this spring i wanna first develop the capacity to love all parts of my body. letting go of petty criticisms and starting to see my body as a vessel for my soul will help me to focus on all aspects of my health. from dieting to exercising to establishing a consistent relationship with a therapist, setting health goals this spring can help you feel better.
  5. productivity —  if your system for productivity includes waking up and making a to-do list of 1,568 things, then stop. right now. decluttering our productivity means taking time to prioritize our tasks or as i like to say, separating the big rocks from the little rocks. my first tip is to focus on ONE big task a day and limit your to-do list to only THREE items. for more, visit my blog post on decluttering your productivity.
Spring Clean Within: 5 Things to Declutter ASAP

follow me on instagram for IGTV video inspiration on how i decluttered important areas in my life and join our private facebook group the joy lounge for tools and resources. you deserve a tribe to do this very important work!



  1. Je Naè
    March 11, 2020 / 1:14 pm

    Gaaah! This reminded me today to be more gentle with my body + time .

    • Tashira
      March 17, 2020 / 10:03 am

      yes, so necessary!

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