My Ultimate 2020 Wishlist

My Ultimate 2020 Wishlist

with the new year less than 24 hours away, i’ve been thinking a lot about my ultimate 2020 wishlist. my list isn’t about fashion tho #sorrynotsorry. long gone are my days of obsessing over material things to hunt down in the forthcoming 12 months. no shade if that’s your ministry — it just doesn’t bring me joy anymore.

as i look forward to the next decade, i’m searching for fulfillment in a way that clothes and shoes cannot provide. just to be clear — i’ll be fly on my quest — however, i have my hopes set on something greater.

my ultimate 2020 wishlist is focused on leveling up in all the ways. mental, emotional and financial growth are my goals.

My Ultimate 2020 Wishlist

Travel More

i’m kicking off 2020 with a trip to jamaica in january. it’s cold AF in the northeast so a trip to someplace warm is right on time. after jamaica, i have a trip planned at least bi-monthly until the end of the year.  why? travel feeds my soul and makes me happy. i love exploring and experiencing new cities, food and culture.

i heard a financial coach say that you can determine your values by assessing where your money flows. i want my disposable income to operate as an investment in what i truly love.

Buy Our First Home

we’re ready to buy our first home! i’ve been interested in buying for a long time, but things happened that made us take our time. in 2020, we’ll be making our family a top priority, including our long-term financial success. property ownership is the move.

we’re looking at condos in our current location of northern virginia. nothing too crazy, just big enough for us, our new puppy pooks and my very own custom closet 🙂

My Ultimate 2020 Wishlist

Wellness Investments

i don’t hesitate to buy shoes. ever. however, i haven’t had that same mindset regarding my health.

in the new year, i plan to invest in regular wellness visits to a naturopath and acupuncturist. again, my values should match where my money flows, and my health is definitely a high priority.

i’ve signed up for a monthly membership at boketto wellness, a modern apothecary in richmond. i’ll be traveling down monthly to meet with holistic practitioners. with a mix of herbs and other natural treatments, i’m looking forward to remaining breast cancer-free in the next decade.

My Ultimate 2020 Wishlist

Give More

we donate monthly to the aclu, but i want to give more. 2020 will be my year of greater financial and time investments to causes that we care about the most. local and national nonprofit organizations like planned parenthood and black swan academy are at the top of our list.

i believe that giving is the right thing to do when you’ve been blessed. plus, research shows that the happiest people are big time givers. therefore, the more you give, the happier you’ll be. that principle is simple enough that it should make us all abundant givers.

Welcome Abundance

i’ve spent most of my life living in a scarcity mindset. i believed that my romantic relationships, jobs, money and happiness all had expiration dates. at the very least, i had the misbelief that good things were only present in small quantities.

thankfully, i had quite a few breakthroughs lately that have helped me to shift to an abundance mindset. in the new year, i’m believing that financial prosperity, business growth and amazing opportunities are limitless. my mantra to the universe is “thank you, more please.”

My Ultimate 2020 Wishlist

if you’re ready to set your 2020 intentions off right, then my upcoming workshop is a great place to start. you’ll learn how to make more time for joy and maximize productivity by using my favorite tool, a bullet journal. grab your tickets for the january 7th workshop here.

see you in 2020!



  1. Jill
    January 3, 2020 / 1:46 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing that beautiful phrase “thank you, more please.” What a wonderful way to encourage a mindset of abundance, as opposed to scarcity! Will be using this in my everyday life this year, and am already finding it so helpful.

    • Tashira
      January 4, 2020 / 9:32 am

      that’s so wonderful! happy that it spoke to you.

  2. Marshaha
    January 9, 2020 / 9:43 pm

    Oh, my. Thank you for sharing ❤️ I love and respect your ‘wishlist’. Have fun in Jamaica and continued good health

    • Tashira
      January 25, 2020 / 10:27 am

      thank you so much!

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