A Year As a Solopreneur: What’s Next?

it’s been almost a year since i decided to embark on my journey as a full-time solopreneur. these last twelve months have been enlightening. i’ve stretched myself to learn new skills, manage contractors and created a new stream of income. i’m beyond grateful for every single experience.

over the past year i’ve:

  • expanded my product line and developed a partnership with quinn parfums for our white toenail season candles and reed diffusers
  • created a tribe of black womxn dedicated to reproductive justice and bodily autonomy under the umbrella of white toenail season
  • grown my youtube channel to over 7,000 subscribers
  • on the path to increase my income by almost 70% in my first year of business
  • doubled my equity consultancy client list
  • created a giving campaign called feel good friday that has blessed womxn and organizations across the country

i’m sharing these accomplishments because it’s easy to remind myself of where my business has room to grow. it’s much harder to celebrate my success. plus, someone reading this needs to be reminded of what’s possible.

What’s Next?

sell out white toenail season products

i recently dropped the white toenail season reed diffuser in partnership with quinn parfums. our candles sold out, and we’re excited for the diffuser to do the same. they’re amazing partners, and we’ve developed a beautiful fragrance to embody the season. we’ll make a big push around holiday season to maximize sales.

start planning next year’s white toenail season

white toenail season is a movement. we’ve created a bomb ass tribe, and i’m dedicated to seeing it grow. i’ve started my 2022 vision board and can’t wait to begin executing my plans. in order to be a successful solopreneur, i have to continue to keep long-term projects on the horizon. i never want my content or endeavors to feel stale or stagnant. in fact, i created politics & fashion to give myself space to dream, and i plan to remain fully committed to that vision.

get more consistent with affiliate linking

i’m leaving so much money on the table by not using affiliate links consistently. someone asks what i’m wearing every single day; however, i lack a consistent process to post outfits using a platform like liketoknow.it. my recent youtube success has shown tremendous potential for this stream of income, and it’s time to head to where the money resides.

book a retainer coaching client for 2022

i’ve mentioned my struggles with being paid inconsistently in this blog post. as a solopreneur, no matter your expertise, booking clients on retainer is clutch because it allows you to build a budget that works. plus, it makes it easier to save and plan for months when you may fall below your median income.

aside from making it much easier to operate my business, anti-racism work requires long-term relationships. in order for an organization to truly see results in their external and internal efforts, then an ongoing partnership with a trainer is key.

increase brand pitches

i love working with brands that align with my mission. unfortunately, that means i currently reject 99% of those that hit my inbox. i want to increase my pitches this holiday season in order to build intentional partnerships that pay what my content is worth. my goal is to have at least four collaborations that will earn around $6,000 in december.

the incomparable cardi b once said, “it’s up and it’s stuck.” that’s my motto going into 2022 because nothing will stop my business’ growth and success. abundance is my birthright.

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