the truth is i don’t know how to dress grown and sexy. but i’m learning.
i struggle with embracing my sexiness. it comes from years of low self-confidence and fear of drawing attention to myself. society teaches women, especially black women facing the jezebel stereotype, that being sexy is something to be apologetic for or to hide.
one of the reasons i love being a blogger is having the ability to chronicle my growth. my ups, downs, highs and lows are all on the interwebs. i try to be as transparent as possible in hopes that my readers will learn from my mistakes and be motivated by my victories.
lately, i’ve been breaking through my shell. it’s probably the stars aligning around a bomb therapist, doing work i love and manifesting some dope creative projects. whatever the reason, i’m standing a little taller in my womanhood and embracing all aspects of it.
case in point: i’ve had this dress for almost three years. i bought it from nubian hueman for a photoshoot and never wore it again. it literally sat in my trunk for almost six months. i’m not proud of that because it’s beautiful, but it’s actually a metaphor. for so long, i’ve locked away my body and clothing that shows my curves.
when i pulled this dress out recently and slid it on without a blip, it was a sign. my personal growth and self discovery brought me to an unimaginable place — owning my style, shape and sexy. it felt good.
Slay sis !!! Be everything you out to be .
Amen girl! Thanks
Love the dress! It looks awesome on you!!! Funny thing is I don’t know too many women who haven’t struggled with accepting their bodies. It’s a life long journey.
Thank you! And yes, you’re right, it’s a lifelong struggle.
That dress, your hair…You are slayingggg!
Thanks for the love! Confidence is a journey, but I’m feeling good these days.