after experiencing lots of physical pain this year, i’m claiming rejuvenation. i can vibrate higher than pain and trauma. since most of the physical stuff is finally over, it’s time to celebrate.
it’s been a long journey to wellness, and a trip to cali always brings good vibes. once we arrived in joshua tree, i knew i’d chosen the right destination. it’s something in the air that just makes everything feel spiritual.
READ: 5 Reasons Why You Need a Weekend Getaway
last night, i wrapped myself in a blanket and gazed at the stars. it came to me that the mistakes i spend time obsessing over are completely insignificant. it’s trite, but true — why sweat the small stuff? being consumed by beauty makes you humble.
i’m joining the tribe healer movement because i’m an even bigger believer in holistic healing. we have the power to change the channel in our minds, to drown out noise and affirm our greatness. we have the power to use natural remedies to ease physical and emotional pain. we have the power to overcome our pasts and embrace the present. we have power. all we have to do is claim it.
shirt, tribe healer (available for purchase soon) | vintage distressed jeans, thrifted | shoes, zara
love it! & loving this photos
I love hollistic healing too! I was so caught up last week & now I’m just vibrating in beauty and gratitude because I had that same exact sort of breakthrough. Glad you made it through your struggles!