i couldn’t stop crying. after a myomectomy to remove my fibroids i was still experiencing the same symptoms: heavy bleeding, severe anemia and fatigue. i was literally sick and tired of being sick and tired. while each day since my surgery has been a struggle, my spirit can’t take another round of bedrest. i’m affirming that my body is healed.
i decided it was time for some fresh air and lush green and packed my bags for a weekend getaway.
hot springs, va is a sleepy town about 3.5 hours south of dc. located on a hill, the homestead resort is the area’s best-known attraction. built in 1766, it’s the country’s first resort. also, volcanoes buried deep underground heat the area’s spring water to a lovely 72 degrees. taking a dip in the naturally heated jefferson pool (pictured below), butt-ass naked, was a step in calling forth healing. more on my journey with fibroids in a later post.it doesn’t take thousands of dollars, a passport and a fully-loaded itinerary to go on vacation. in the era of popular travel hashtags, you’d think every black millennial except you has traveled to the united arab emirates, greece and south africa. don’t believe the hype — sometimes the best places are ones that don’t require plane tickets.
no matter where you live, trips under four hours to some place relaxing are possible, simply make the commitment to treat yourself. here are five reasons you need a weekend getaway.
1. you deserve it. yep, i know you have [insert any number of obligations], but your first priority should be you. it doesn’t have to be your birthday or a special occasion to invest in peace of mind. unless the planet plans to stop spinning before you get back home, you deserve to explore and experience the world on your own terms, 100% guilt free.
2. relieves stress. i’m a firm believer in travel as a form of self-care. fresh air and a change of scenery is good for the soul. our trip to hot springs was almost completely technology free. we left the laptop (and work) at home and had to be connected to wi-fi to use our cell phones. it felt good to unplug and leave all the typical stressors behind.3. escape your current reality. my first solo weekend getaway was on my 30th birthday. i had the typical turn up planned and cancelled it at the last minute. i was in a toxic relationship and no club, alcohol or freakum dress could deny the fact that i had some difficult decisions to make about life. i booked a stay at a small bed & breakfast in shenandoah valley, came home to chaos, but instead of feeding into it, this time i packed my shit and never looked back. 4. doesn’t require a passport. i know, i know, everybody and their mama is trying to get their passport stamps up. i see you. however, rest and relaxation can happen within the united states. in fact, my most relaxing trips are typically weekend getaways because i intentionally choose places that don’t score high on the activity charts. you may not be able to stunt on instagram, but you can do something much more meaningful — invest in your self.5. makes a great solo trip. as i mentioned, my first real weekend getaway was a solo trip, and it was a huge blessing. i felt comfortable and safe just a few hours outside of the city and had the much needed opportunity to connect with myself and make some tough decisions. if you’re in a transition period, wondering if it’s time to walk away from a toxic situation like me, or just need a break from the rat race, then a solo trip may be in order. find a destination close by, book a spa treatment (massage schools are great affordable options), watch netflix and chill all weekend. again, you deserve it.
summer 16 is about to be lit! follow me on instagram and snapchat for the latest: @politicsandfshn
I totally agree and we keep trying to plan one but “things” get in the way. We just need to do it!!! #BLMgirl
Yes, JUST DO IT!!!
Thank you for the great read!!! Although I have a couple of international trips planned and paid for, I like the idea of a relaxing trip near home! I’ve heard how beautiful Shenandoah Valley is. I’ll have to explore since it’s near by. 🙂