confession — my name is tashira, and i’m chronically ashy. i was the kid whose grandmama would grease them up with crisco before going to school, and from head to toe, i still struggle with keeping my skin fully moisturized. aside from using gentle facial and body cleansers, my favorite body oils are the keys to locking in moisture.
- almond oil: this stuff is amazing. i use it on my hair as the second step of the l.o.c. method, but it can just as easily be used as a body and cooking oil. i know folks with natural hair ride hard for coconut oil, but honestly i don’t think it’s all that. however, almond oil — that’s my best fran.
- l’occitane almond shower oil: i don’t know what type of harry potter sorcery allows a cleanser and oil to be combined, but hallelujah for favor. i cashed in my sephora insider points for a group of travel-size l’occitane products and fell in love with this oil based cleanser.
- goddess glow: if you follow me on instagram, then you already know how much i love goddess glow by cocoa butter mothers. i even mentioned it in my essence beauty box review. i’m really stunned by how it helped clear up the hyper-pigmentation that i’d been struggling with for over a year. after a few weeks, i saw a dramatic difference in my dark spots and skin’s texture. the best part — it’s all organic and smells like a piece of heaven.