creating the #gloupsis challenge made me think about all the women in my life who inspire and motivate me to take self-care seriously. from traveling, to killer style and an overall positive vibe, kimee brown has a prime spot on my top ten list of glo up inspirations. her genuineness is both endearing and infectious, and her instagram feed shadows the life of what might be the quintessential black millennial. overall, she’s the rare dc socialite who actually cares about her community and thinks deeply about the world.
here’s what kimee had to say about her epic glow:
#gloupsis comes from the popular phrase “glo up.” what makes you glow?
that’s tough, its like asking a parent to choose their favorite child, we know there’s always a favorite. i say that because the smallest things make me glo up from vibing to music while getting high with my friends, seeing my therapist bi-weekly (mental health is vital) to traveling. however, if i had to choose one i’d reach back to an hour ago when i purchased tickets to see my favorite rebel, rihanna, in amsterdam. i’m also finalizing payments for a beach-themed nye’s celebration in jamaica, but more importantly i’m starting my own travel consulting firm, travel w+ kimee. so yea traveling is one thing that definitely makes me #gloupsis!
you hosted an epic trip for a recent birthday, please describe the trip for us and any lessons learned.
seriously every time someone asks about that trip, i get excited all over again. #thisisthirty was such an epic adventure that i shared with 10 of my closest friends. i grew up as the only child so i love the concept of groups, but i usually sit back and watch everyone.
to recap, #thisisthirty started at the pyramids in egypt, next we journeyed to the portal to the greek islands, athens, followed by the ultimate turn up in the party town of mykonos, and last but certainly not least, we vibed out in the picturesque santorini.
i obtained the greatest lesson that has propelled me into my true passion, the art of traveling. i planned every aspect of this trip which caused me to finally realize that: a) i am a control freak (mediating on releasing the need to control) and b) i’m good at this curating travel shit. it was all validated at the end of the trip when my friends expressed, “anyone can go to greece, but not everyone can do it like kimee.” bloop!
do you have a self-care regimen? what are things you do to show yourself some love?
yes, i wash my ass daily, lol. nah, but seriously i mediate sometimes twice per day or twice a week, it just really depends on the necessity of centering myself. also, i have a phenomenal therapist that i visit once or twice per month, also depending on the necessity of centering myself. i’m very open with the concept of therapy because it is something that we don’t discuss enough in our community. some are conditioned to think “oh that bih must be crazy,” no not at all. i see my therapist for solid direction, and she forces me to really think deeper about life and my decisions. i talk about the positive effects of therapy so much that three of my friends visit her regularly as well.
i also take great care of my skin — my twin is a dermatologist so i’m always in her office pleading for treatments or sample products. currently, i’m undergoing palomar aka complexion blending treatments. this helps with your skin’s uneven coloration or dark spots. basically after my treatments are completed i can go foundation free in the scorching summer months if i choose.
lastly, i’m a yo-yo dieter so i fake workout whenever i need to be in a two-piece (not proud of this), but i’m at least serious about my health and diet six months out of the year.
i often hear women say, “i can’t be friends with other women because women are too [fill in the blank].” what’s your take on friendship and sisterhood?
yikes, i have definitely had my fair share of losing a friend or two, but i never lost a friend that didn’t deserve it for whatever reason. at thirty, i’m realizing that people can be in your life for seasons, reasons and lifetimes — women and men are included. i have a few really good girlfriends that are fun to kick it with, i have one best friend that resides in ny who i connect with on so many different levels and then i have my twin. if anyone knows me, then they know my twin, michelle. we’ve known each other since childhood, she’s my rock, confidant and ride or die. if i have an off the wall idea, want to go dancing, netflix and chill or skip town, she’s down to go. she is the balanced libra to my emotional cancer, and i am forever grateful.
can you describe any creative endeavors that keep you grounded?
right now, i’m focusing on travel w+ kimee, a travel consulting company for those who strive to be travelers not tourists. travel w+ kimee will provide creative itineraries to ensure the full experience your destination has to offer. with the influx of black and gifted travelers and the industries, like airlines, promoting travel, it is a great time to break into the market.
what’s the best piece of advice you’ve received about self-love? please share words of encouragement for others.
this may sound generic but the best advice i’ve ever received is, “in order to love others, you must first love yourself.” that thought is common because it’s so true.
everyone says thirty is the year of transition, new things coming in and old things purging itself. i’m embracing every aspect of it while continuing to do the work to better myself. it’s ironic because you mentioned toxic relationships in your interview request, i’m not currently in one that’s toxic, but we’re in that weird space of fight for it or let it go. i know that love is hard to let go of, but in life you experience love and tragedy.
i believe that as little girls we receive our confidence from our fathers. my relationship with my father has instilled a sense of confidence that allows me to let go of any and all things that are simply not for me. i don’t fear the “what ifs” and sense of being alone because i will never be alone.
what are your goals for 2016?
great question, i started planning 2016 goals back in october, no need to wait for “new year, new me” let’s start today. my short term goal is to launch travel w+ kimee after the new year. my long term 2016 goal is to travel to the following destinations in no particular order: hawaii, amsterdam and cuba. lifetime goal: vision + no regrets!
anything else you’d like to share about the challenge and black women’s well being?
i would like to encourage anyone reading this to continue to glo up no matter the adversities you are dealing with. this year alone, my mate and one of his best friends lost their sisters due to suicide. although i am not in any position to offer advice to those who are suicidal, please email me at kimberly.brown0625@gmail.com, and i will be happy to share the info of someone who can assist.
many thanks to kimee for sharing her story. keep glowing sis.
all pics courtesy of kimee brown
I am so proud of my daughter !! We love you Kimee
hey mama! thanks for blessing us with your star.
You all too kind but inside and out she is a beautiful positive well grounded 1st born Kimee
I need her in my life.
That’s my niece, Kim!!!
Proud of you! You Go Girl!!
Letting your light shine inspires all 🙂