crush of the week: samira wiley

crush of the week: samira wiley


i’m in love with samira wiley. no, i mean, i really love samira wiley. she’s one of the stars of my favorite netflix series, orange is the new black, and her instagram account reveals an effortless flow from feminine to androgynous personal style.  my kinda gal.sw2 sw3

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lawd geezus this woman is perfection.

pics via refinery29



  1. March 27, 2014 / 7:19 pm

    I agree completely, Samira Wiley is simply stunning! There’s an aura about her that just makes me smile.

  2. Najwa
    March 28, 2014 / 12:39 pm

    A respected classmate from Duke Ellington
    slayed theatre back then! dicing it up now…wow. Nice feature Tashira

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