nicki minaj has lost her mind

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raise your hand if you understand why nicki minaj thought it was a good idea to use this iconic image of malcolm x as the art for her new single looking ass n*gga?

*peers out into the crowd*

nicki’s fake apology about the image only makes matters worse: “what seems to be the issue now? do you have a problem with me referring to the people malcolm x was ready to pull his gun out on as lookin a** ni***z? well, i apologize. that was never the official artwork nor is this an official single. this is a conversation. not a single.”  yes dear nicki, we do have a problem because, unlike you, during the time this photograph was taken brother malcolm wasn’t simply worrying about haters motivated by jealous tendencies, but instead a government and political opponents who were determined to disrupt his leadership and cause physical harm to him and his family.  i’m sad and embarrassed that we’re even having this conversation.

activist kevin powell started a petition calling for nicki and young money to remove the image as well as any association between the song and black history.  at the time of this post, the image is no longer on her website.

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