the first lady reads, no i mean R E A D S

i feel closer to michelle obama than ever before.  you see, the first lady can read.  no, i mean she can READ.  

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earlier this week flotus was giving a speech in a private home in washington, dc when she was heckled by a gay rights advocate.  the presence of hecklers during speeches is not a new concept for politicians, but flotus’s response took everyone by surprise.  when the heckler demanded a response from sister michelle about the president’s failure to sign an executive order for gay rights, flotus responded “one of the things i don’t do well is this.”  she went on to say “listen to me or you can take the mic, but i’m leaving. you all decide.  you have one choice.”  certain news reports claim that mrs. obama made very intense eye contact with the activist.  to quote young jeezy, “my president is black,” but it’s apparent that my first lady keeps it trill.

i appreciate michelle’s honesty.  for a brief moment, she allowed herself to be transparent.  despite the rehearsed speeches and politically correct commentary, she’s human and gave a very human response when faced with unwarranted rudeness.  i’m a champion for the first amendment and believe there’s a space for political agitation, but during a speech at a private fundraiser may not be the time or place.  even if it is, don’t expect to get your point across without a response from both the speaker and the audience.  in this case, the entire audience begged flotus to stay and someone near the activist told her that she needed to go.

my only concern is how this will soon play out in the media.  when faced with the stereotype of the angry black woman, flotus’s behavior will provide fodder to pundits and social commentators who are put off by the image of an empowered black woman.  i’m waiting for the whispers about how she acted poorly and broke under the pressure.  when confronted with such criticism, i’ll respond with “one of the things i don’t do well is this…” it’s a classic line, given by a classy lady. *snaps all around*

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