a little link love

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1.  last week’s racialicious crush of the week was professor vijay prashad, a nerd girl’s heart throb.  professor prashad was born in india and is a self-proclaimed marxist who has “an affinity for working class movements around the world.”  his books include Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting: Afro-Asian Connections And The Myth Of Cultural Purity  (2002),  Uncle Swami: South Asians In America TodayThe Karma Of Brown Folk  (2012), and the popular The Darker Nations: A People’s History Of The Third World (2007).  *swoon*

2.  new york city’s stop and frisk policy will go down in history as the 21st century’s version of the black codes.  the policy incentivizes racial profiling by giving police officers the authority to stop and frisk people suspected of criminal activity.  to no surprise, race is the predominate factor in this suspicion, and the overwhelming majority of the people stopped under stop and frisk have been black men.  last week, over 12,000 protesters marched on the mayor’s home to call for an end to this racist policy.

3.  sick of this oppressive heat?   justina over at compai has created frozen goodies, like pina colada ice cubes, for your summer enjoyment.

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4.  i melt over the looks put together by le fashion.  they can only be described as gentle-biker-chick-with-stellar-style.  the look below is everything.

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5.  if you’re in dc, then stop by the museum of african art to view revisions, an exhibit by lalla essaydi.  i was captivated by her images of morrocan women with henna calligraphy covering their entire bodies.  her harem series was shot in marrakesh and challenges the western objectification of arab women’s bodies as depicted in 19th century european and american paintings.

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