troy davis–execution date 9/21

the state of georgia has announced its plans to execute troy davis on september 21st.  he’s been on death row since 1991, after being convicted for killing a police officer.

since his conviction, all but two of the state’s non-police witnesses have recanted or contradicted their testimony.  many of them testified in sworn affidavits of being coerced or pressured by police into naming davis as the assailant.  despite the absence of dna evidence linking him to the crime and shaky or non-existant eye-witness evidence, the racist criminal justice system is determined to execute a man whose criminal conviction was a sham.  
troy davis is not an anamoly.  he’s a product of the united states prison-industrial complex that incarcerates more black men today then were enslaved in 1850.  until people of african descent recognize a common enemy, oppression, and suffering such modern day lynchings will continue.
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